International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Six Sigma Approach Improves Teacher Instruction Quality Through Quadruple Helix Model Expectations

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The success of Six Sigma in several industries stimulates its potential to be applied in the field of education. The literature shows that there are almost no quality assessment studies in Malaysian education using the Six Sigma approach, and existing studies have only focused on the profit-driven sector. Therefore, this article aims to explain the implementation of the Six Sigma approach to assess the quality of teacher teaching and improve the quality of teaching in the classroom. This is because teacher teaching is still a challenge for the Malaysian Ministry of Education when its effectiveness towards student achievement is often questioned. The ideas in this article also discuss the expectations of the innovation-based Quadruple Helix Model for the application of the Six Sigma approach in order to assess the quality of teacher teaching. Discussion summary are expected to add value to the multiplication of existing knowledge as well as contribute to the production of a new technique and approach to assess the quality of teacher teaching using the Six Sigma approach. In addition, the Quadruple Helix Model is expected to develop ideas in order to improve and ensure that the education system in Malaysia becomes one of the best in the world.
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