International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Influential Factors of Organic Fertilizer Adoption among Farmers: A Review

Open access

Abdul Hadi Wasil, Jasmin Arif Shah, Shuja Mohammad Kakar, Azizul Rahman Ragashtai, Munifah Siti Amira Yusuf, Asadullah Sadat

Pages 2791-2806 Received: 22 Mar, 2023 Revised: 26 Apr, 2023 Published Online: 28 May, 2023
It is impossible to fulfill the rising food demands of expanding population. As the organic fertilizer is the only and sustainable choice. Numerous types of research in agriculture are the significant evidence of organic fertilizer adoption. So, the whole emphasis of this paper is on assessing the most influencing predictors of organic fertilizers adoption among farmers. The review is based on secondary data and information available in the scientific domains and the time is limit to the years 2001 to 2022. The results revealed that farmers' knowledge, attitude, practice (KAP), extension services, market availability, sources of information, and many demographic factors such as education, farm size, etc. play a crucial role in organic fertilizer adoption. The results further explored as the organic fertilizers are the slow release of organic matter but their nutrients are long-lasting. It is required for all relevant organizations in each country all over the world to pave the way of educational programs to improve farmers’ information, extension services, knowledge, and ease the access to marketabout organic fertilizer adoption. However, it is required to hold various approaches like training, incentive programs, field work with farmers, and supply of (brochures, leaflets, magazines, etc.) for the target group to facilitate the said important factors for the farmers to adopt organic fertilizer adoption. There is a need for a scientific study to find the exact requirement of organic fertilizer in agricultural farms’ land. Thus it will result in a high yield of diverse crops, clean and sustainable environment.
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