International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Study of Satisfiers and Dissatisfiers As Motivation to Learn

Open access

Nadzrah Sa’adan, Maisarah Noorezam, Siti Aishah Taib, Noor Shahariah Saleh, Norhisyam Jenal, Siti Mariam Mohammad Iliyas, Noor Hanim Rahmat

Pages 2681-2701 Received: 19 Mar, 2023 Revised: 24 Apr, 2023 Published Online: 26 May, 2023
In the current post-pandemic era, there are diverse perspectives regarding the mode of delivery for language learning. The implementation of hybrid learning is perceived differently among students. It also causes them to either become more motivated to learn or exhausted. The present study aims to examine how Herzberg's two-factor theory affects students' motivation to learn a language. This study employs a quantitative approach to 152 purposive samples. The instrument used is a 5 Likert-scale survey and is rooted from Herzberg’s two factor principles Herzberg (1959) merged with Pintrich & De Groot’s (1990) motivational construct and also cause of burnout by (Campos,, 2011). The survey has 4 sections with 35 items in total. The findings reveal that students were satisfied the most with good grades and the level of understanding of the course content. On the other hand, their motivation decreases when they feel exhausted and emotionally drained. The implications of these findings shed light on the design of effective learning environments and strategies to enhance learner’s motivation to improve educational outcomes.

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