International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Analysis of Narrative Strategies of the Popular Science Short Video "wuqiongxiaoliang"

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With the rapid development of information technology, intelligent mobile terminals constantly updated, and people's increasingly fragmented spiritual needs, the short video has always been vigorously developed, and the era of short video has arrived. As the top streamer of science popularization short videos in China, "wuqiongxiaoliang" has become an important form and power of science popularization. In this study, we take the Douyin account "wuqiongxiaoliang" as a case study and analyze its communication narrative strategy in terms of narrative content, narrative form, narrative structure, narrative perspective and so on, taking into account theories related to communication and video narrative. The study concludes that "wuqiongxiaoliang" has formed a relatively stable narrative strategy, and the long-term development of science popularization short videos also requires continuous innovation in the midst of stability.
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