International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Psychological Aspect of Dwellers Living in Affordable Housing: The Criteria of Housing in Malaysia

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In addition to innovation professionals, researchers, academicians, and business owners, the citizen is one of the end users of open government data (OGD). Numerous investigations employing OGD involve the participation of researchers and academic specialists. Nonetheless, there is a dearth of studies on community participation in OGD, particularly through the usage of government websites. This pilot study was done to evaluate the technical and navigable features of the online survey process and the instrument itself, as well as the feasibility of successfully enrolling participants for the study, evaluate the convenience (in terms of both access and navigation) of the survey tool used, and to test the internal consistency of each variable and dimension constructed based on previous studies. This pilot study focuses on the information quality and system quality of the ministry's website, which is one of the OGD platforms in Malaysia. Method: This pilot study was quantitatively done by distributing a questionnaire to 35 respondents who matched the research criteria. Respondents must reside in the Klang Valley, be at least 21 years old, and have familiarity navigating the ministry's website. The development of the survey set was carried out by adapting from previous studies and verified by a six-person panel of experts who were appointed, namely 3 academics and 3 more from among citizens who have experience using the government website. Data analysis was performed using SPSS Version 23. Results: Of the 35 respondents, 34 answered the survey, and a total of 22 or 67% were female respondents and the majority of respondents were civil servants. More than half or 61% of the respondents did not know about the portal. A reliability test of Cronbach Alpha is tested for all the variables and dimensions and the pilot test analysis indicates that Cronbach’s Alpha values for all constructs are more than 0.7.
Conclusion: This study has found that in doing an online survey, an approach via WhatsApp is easier to be done. The size of the pilot study's sample is an important consideration to think about. Researchers should test their questionnaires with an adequate sample to account for any changes in the population that might change the responses.
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