International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Attitudes and Challenges in the Implementation of EMI among Saudi Students

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The Ministry of Higher Education decrees English as the Medium of Instruction (EMI) in all the higher education institutions across the kingdom. Since Arabic is the sole and official spoken language in the kingdom, it is the only medium of instruction in all schools up to the secondary level. English is formally introduced as the language of instruction at the undergraduate level. This shift in languages leads to problems in classrooms where English is used as a medium of instruction. This paper examines students’ attitudes toward EMI among Saudi undergraduate students at one premier public university in Saudi Arabia and identifies the challenges resulting from using EMI in teaching and learning in a Computer Science College. The study employs a quantitative research design. Using a questionnaire as an instrument, the study examines three factors: students’ attitudes towards EMI, the challenges of EMI implementation, and the effect of these challenges on students' learning experiences. A total of 200 undergraduate students from a computer science department were selected as a sample for this study. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics via SPSS. The results demonstrated that the students’ overall level of attitude of EMI was relatively high, regardless of their low English proficiency level. The findings also indicated that students in EMI classrooms encounter a variety of difficulties, including difficulties in writing, comprehending lectures and communication with non-native teachers. Another important finding is that using EMI's challenges has an effect on how students learn English. Some recommendations and implications are provided at the end of the paper to improve students’ performance in EMI.
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