International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Conceptual Analysis on the Antecedents of Intention to Enroll Online Courses: The Integration of TAM and TPB

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This paper aims to impart a conceptual analysis of the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived behavioral control, and digital literacy with the intention to enroll online courses among undergraduate students in Malaysia. Additionally, the mediating effects of attitude on the relationship between the independent and dependent variables are also tested in this study. The proposed theoretical framework in this conceptual paper is guided by the integration of TAM and TPB. Theoretically, this study provides an integrative model that influence the intention to enroll online courses driven by the extension of TAM and TPB. This study extents the literature on online courses enrollment from the perspectives of developing countries, generally, and Malaysia, particularly through identifying the contextual factors and their effects on the intention to enroll online courses among undergraduate students. Finally, this study provides an empirical model that guides higher education institutions on understanding the factors that influence the undergraduate students’ intention to enroll in the online courses.
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