International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Comparative Study on Legislative Provisions for Obligatory Bequest in Egypt and Malaysia

Open access
Originally, making a bequest is a voluntary act done out of one's own will and not a Shariah-mandated necessity. However, obligatory bequest has been introduced by government in certain countries based on ijtihad to resolve cases where a child is prevented from receiving their grandparent's inheritance through faraid due to the existence of other heirs. The implementation of obligatory bequest began in Egypt through a special law and subsequently, this measure was adopted by other certain countries, including Malaysia, which was first enforced in Selangor, then followed by five other states: Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Kelantan, Pahang, and Sabah. This study aims to determine the significance of obligatory bequest, and compare the legal provisions of obligatory bequest in Egypt and Malaysia. This study will examine the similarities and differences between the two countries in terms of the legal provisions governing the obligatory bequest. This study is conducted through qualitative research method and thematic analysis approach by analyzing a collection of documents and data obtained from observations of the practice of the laws in Egypt and Malaysia. Six Muslim Wills (State) Enactments in Malaysia and Egyptian Law of Will 1946 are analysed. The findings of this study demonstrate the viability of obligatory bequest as a means of estate planning to supplement the prevailing instruments, particularly with regard to accommodating family members who are ineligible to inherit through faraid. The result of this study also show that both countries have mandated that the beneficiary of an obligatory bequest must be among the grandchildren. However, in Egypt, beneficiary can be extended to great-grandchildren, whereas in Malaysia it is limited to grandchildren only. To broaden the research further, one could conduct comparisons of practices across different countries, delve deeper into the calculation methodology, and analyze pertinent court cases.
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