International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factors Predicting DBKL Public Housing Tenant’s Intention to Accept Mobile Rental Payment

Open access

Paridah Daud, Omar Musa, Saifol Mazli Ahmad, Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman, Norhayati Mat Said, Faizal Mahmod, Yusman Haiti, Alfian Mohd Noor Affindee

Pages 1554-1566 Received: 02 Apr, 2023 Revised: 06 Apr, 2023 Published Online: 10 May, 2023
Mobile payment acceptance is mushrooming due to the global advent of technology across the continents, including Malaysia. Therefore, the present study investigates the factors predicting the intention of mobile rental payment acceptance among the Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur public housing tenants. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was used to make the hypothesis that individual inventiveness, social influence, perceived compatibility, and enabling circumstances all influence whether someone will accept mobile rental payment. A correlational design was conducted using simple random sampling with a lottery method to recruit participants from eleven parliamentary districts in Kuala Lumpur. A total of 501 participants completed the self-rated online questionnaires. After eliminating outliers, 488 completed responses were analysed further. A multiple regression analysis with the bootstrapping method suggested that personal innovativeness, social influence, perceived compatibility and facilitating conditions explained 83% of the variance in the intention to accept mobile rental payment. This study will benefit not only DBKL but also the tenants and the system provider. Human errors in conventional transactions can be reduce, which subsequently will improve on the collection amount. Through mobile rental payment, it is also expected that the payment method will be easier, and the amount of monthly rental payment collections will increase. For the tenants, it will ease their ways of payment whereby the do not have to come to DBKL’s counter and avoid the hassle of queuing up. By identifying the factors that influence tenants' intention to use mobile rental payments, the study can contribute to the development of policies, interventions, and technologies that promote financial inclusion and minimise the cost and burden of cash-based rental transactions. In addition to educating and giving tenants awareness programmes on the benefits and security of using mobile rental payments.
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