International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Work Readiness among Nursing Diploma Students in a Higher Education Institution in Malaysia

Open access
This study investigated work readiness level among 140 Nursing Diploma students in a public university in East Malaysia. Work Readiness Inventory was used. There were six components in this instrument, namely responsibility, flexibility, skills, communications, self-view, and health and safety. The results indicated that the overall work readiness among Nursing Diploma students was high (M=138.10, SD 11.03). The highest work readiness was from the health and safety component (M= 26.90, SD= 3.14); and the lowest work readiness was from the self-view component (M=15.73, SD= 3.15). There was no significant difference in scores of work readiness for genders, t (138) =.299, p = .765. As for years of study and work readiness, there was also no significant difference, F (2,137) = .717, p = .490. In terms of work readiness and family income, there was also no significant difference, F (3,136) = 1.909, p =.131. This study implies that it is necessary to create more programmes to boost student self-confidence as well as help them to find out their real interest, so that they can put their efforts in and eventually be well prepared for work.
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