International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Information Security as a Mediating Variable between Business Intelligence and Decision-Making at Jordanian Commercial Banks

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This study investigates the impact of business intelligence with its dimensions, including, data resources, data storage, data processing and analysis, data presentation, and business performance management on decision-making with its dimensions, (diagnosing problem, developing alternatives, evaluating alternatives, selecting the best alternative, decision implement and follow-up). It further investigates the mediating role in improving this effect as information security mediator at Jordanian commercial banks. The sample study representing the study community (population) numbering 375 from top-management and middle management at Jordanian commercial banks consisted of 191. The study distributes (230) questionnaires as a precaution, while (223) of them are retrieved and valid for statistical analysis. The findings reveal that the relationship between the business intelligence with its dimensions and decision-making amounts to (?= 0.634). The results show that T-Value= (12.670) at the significance level (Sig= 0.000). It confirms that the relationship between business intelligence with its dimensions and decision-making with its dimensions is significant. Interestingly, the findings indicate that business intelligence with its dimensions have explained an amount of (63.4%) of variance in the decision-making at the Jordanian commercial banks. The study concludes that there is a direct normative effect of the business intelligence with its dimensions in the decision-making in the Jordanian commercial banks reached to (0.634). As for the direct normative effect of the business intelligence with its dimensions in the information security reached to (0.594). Besides, the direct normative effect of the information security in decision-making accounts for (0.225) and all of them are significant. Hence, the indirect normative effect for the information security between business intelligence and decision-making accounts for (0.134). The overall normative effect between the business intelligence with its dimensions and decision-making with its dimensions at Jordanian commercial banks amount to (0.767). Thus, it can be argued that business intelligence with its dimensions has been able to explain (63.4%) of variance in decision making, while information technology has been able to explain (13.4%) of that variance. Thus, the overall explanation of the modal by the existence of the mediating variable (information security) accounts for (76.7%) of variance in decision making with its dimensions at Jordanian commercial banks.
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