International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Perceived Leader’s Support, Performance Feedback and Employee Engagement in Malaysian Private Hospitals

Open access
Employee engagement is a crucial factor for organisations for its contribution to the organisation's development and sustainability. This research was conducted to examine whether or not perceived leader's support ("PLS") and performance feedback ("PF") have significant relationships with employee engagement. This research was also carried out to empirically prove which factors cause or are the main reason for employee engagement. Additionally, this research examines if there is a significant difference of opinion between genders about perceived leader's support as well as the level of employee engagement at Malaysian Private Hospitals. The results show that, although both determinant factors (PLS and PF) have a significant relationship with employee engagement (p<0.001), only PLS causes employee engagement (p<0.001, t-value>1.96). This research also proves that there is no difference of opinion between genders about the importance of PLS in the workplace. Furthermore, it has also been proven that there is no difference in the level of employee engagement between male and female employees at Malaysian Private Hospitals. It is hoped that the results of this research will benefit hospitals in Malaysia, mainly private ones. This is because employee engagement in private hospitals could help improve private hospitals' performance and reputation, thus attracting a larger number of patients as well as generating more revenues, all of which can contribute to Malaysia's economic well-being.
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