International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Sufi Breathing As A Relaxation Technique for Stress Management Control

Open access

Sharifah Basirah Binti Syed Muhsin1, Che Zarrina Binti Sa’ari, Mohd Manawi Bin Mohd Akib

Pages 1231-1238 Received: 02 Mar, 2023 Revised: 06 Apr, 2023 Published Online: 09 May, 2023
Stress is an emotional, physical, and mental reaction to a change in a situation that occurs frequently in human life. This condition has been identified as the cause of nearly all problems, including burden, pressure, anxiety, fatigue, conflict, panic, depression, and lethargy. Since the word "stress" has become a common human idiom, this issue requires immediate consideration. Although humans experience a variety of forms of stress, it must be overcome in any way because, if left unattended, it will cause damage to health and negatively impact the quality of daily life. In addition to calming the body and mind, relaxation techniques are also helpful. Researchers have discussed numerous relaxation techniques, including meditation, light exercise, favorite activities, and breathing. Therefore, this article will discuss the suggestions for relaxation techniques that can be made and practiced to control stress, namely the breathing technique known as "Sufi breathing" that is practiced by most Sufis. The technique involves precise, deep breathing and a high level of concentration on the sacred words that can induce relaxation in the practitioner. According to the findings, this technique can have an optimal effect on reducing the individual's stress and promoting his or her mental and emotional health. Even though Allah Almighty is the All-Healer, the individual must have faith in the technique and perform it with the expectation of receiving a blessing.
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