International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Introducing Foreign Cultural Content from PULSE 2 to Students: Malaysian ESL Teachers’ Experiences

Open access

Mohamad Syafiq Ya Shak, Yugeswari Arumugam, Alia Yashak, Ungku Khairunnisa Ungku Mohd Nordin

Pages 825-838 Received: 02 Mar, 2023 Revised: 04 Apr, 2023 Published Online: 06 May, 2023
Including cultural content in teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) is believed to benefit students learning the language. It is also claimed that Malaysian English language teachers generally use textbooks as the primary resource in their lessons. However, there are concerns about how to introduce foreign cultural content to students, especially with the introduction of imported English language textbooks to be used in Malaysian schools since 2017, in conjunction with the roll-out of a new CEFR-based English language curriculum in the country. Therefore, this study investigated how Malaysian ESL teachers introduced foreign cultural content from one such textbook, PULSE 2, to their Form 1 student. Semi-structured interview sessions with these teachers revealed that they employed various strategies with their students, like collaborative learning, sharing and reflecting, and exploiting multimedia resources. They also utilized authentic reading materials to supplement their lessons on the foreign cultural content in PULSE 2. Some even went the extra mile in adapting suitable materials compatible with their students' varying English proficiency levels. It is recommended that the teacher's style, the needs of the students, and the cultural content being taught should be central to any foreign cultural content introductory strategies being used with the students.
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