International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Analysis of the Influence of Social Media Communication on Consumers' Emotional Tendency in Online Celebrity

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This paper studies the characteristics and composition of consumers' perceived value, puts forward the factors that affect consumers' perceived value on the internet, and defines the driving factors that affect consumers' perceived value on the internet. At the same time, the basic user behavior data is counted through different dimensions, and statistical features, time interval features and computational features are generated. At present, the network economy is developing rapidly, among which online shopping has become an important channel for consumers to buy goods. Based on the behavioral data of social media, this paper analyzes and models the data, and mainly studies the influence of SNS (Social networks) communication on consumers' emotional tendency in online celebrity. In order to verify the correctness of the hypothesis model, this paper designs a questionnaire and tests the algorithm in all aspects. Through the continuous optimization and experiment of features and models, the prediction effect of the model established in this study is stable and good prediction results have been achieved. The verification shows that the precision of this model can reach 0.967; The recall rate can reach 0.941; The value of F1 can reach 0.952. This study is helpful to further improve the economic and social benefits of e-business.
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