International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Assessing the Impact of Gamification on Academic Achievement and Student Perceptions of Learning Arabic Grammar: A Quasi-Experimental Study

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This quasi-experimental study aims to determine the impact of integrating gamification into teaching Arabic grammar on academic achievement for second-year students at As-Sofa International Islamic College and evaluate students' impressions of incorporating gamification into learning Arabic grammar. Through a descriptive-analytical approach and quasi-experimental methodology, this study was conducted on a sample consisting of 64 students who were divided into two groups: an experimental group and a control group. The duration of the study was eight weeks. A t-test was conducted to analyse the results of the achievement pre and post-test, and the mean and standard deviation were used to analyse the questionnaire results. The study found an indirect positive effect of gamification in improving students' academic achievement in Arabic grammar, and positive impressions of students about incorporating gamification into learning Arabic grammar. The study showed that gamification could inspire poor learners struggling to become high achievers. Additionally, the present study could contribute to the usefulness of language learners by enhancing their problem-solving skills and restoring their knowledge of grammar practice during the learning process.
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