International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effectiveness of E-Training on the Attitude and Skill Competencies of Vocational High School Teachers during Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Open access
Covid-19 pandemic has widely impacted lives. An adaptive strategy must be quickly formulated to maintain the quality of education, especially in vocational schools where technical skill competencies are highly needed. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of e-training on the attitude and skill competencies of vocational high school teachers in Indonesia. A total of 614 Indonesian vocational high school teachers with various programs, including hospitality, administration, online business and marketing, culinary arts, fashion, cashier, tourism, haircut, and accounting, participated in e-training for a month. The training used an electronic learning management system to provide materials (modules, presentation slides, and tutorial videos), tasks, and evaluations. The tutorial class was carried out via video conference meeting. Attitude and skill competencies were evaluated before and after the training. Meanwhile, the teachers also gave positive feedback on the quality of the organizer and tutors. Data analysis used paired sample t-test and ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test. The results showed that e-training significantly increased the score of attitude and skill competencies of the teachers (p <0.05). Moreover, a remarkable increase was found among hospitality (57.5%), cashier (50.1%), and online business and marketing (48.7%) teachers. However, the effect on fashion, tourism, and haircut teachers was less obvious. In addition, the satisfactory score on the quality of the organizer and tutors were 88.9 (very good), and 93.5 (excellence), respectively. The study concludes that a well-organized e-training could increase the attitude and skill competencies of Indonesian vocational high school teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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