International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Intensity of Travel Risk Perception and Destination Decision

Open access

Nurul Hasanah Abdul Satar, Ahmad Fitri Amir, Salamiah A Jamal, Azdel Abdul Aziz, Muhammad Aliff Asyraff

Pages 590-607 Received: 01 Mar, 2023 Revised: 02 Apr, 2023 Published Online: 03 May, 2023
This study investigates the effects of risk perception on destination decisions due to COVID-19 pandemic. The specific variables involved are cultural differences, media influences, gender influences, travel risk perception, and destination decisions. An online survey was conducted involving 385 Malaysian tourists. Compiled survey data was analyzed by using correlation analysis and moderating test to examine the relationship between variables. The findings of this study revealed that destination decision was influenced by cultural differences, media influences, gender influences, and travel risk perception that evoke tourists’ psychological resilience and adaptation of cautious travel behaviours. Implications and limitations of the study were outlined.

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