International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Aspects of Sabah's Tour Operators on Sabah Crocker Range Park as a New Dark Tourism Destination

Open access

Danica Robin, Boyd Sun Fatt, Nurain Fatihah Bacho Michael, Yasmin Atirah Henri, Christy Bidder, Tania Maria Tangit

Pages 498-507 Received: 01 Mar, 2023 Revised: 02 Apr, 2023 Published Online: 03 May, 2023
This conceptual research paper focuses on the potential growth of Sabah's Crocker Range Park as a new dark tourism destination from the aspect of Sabah tour operators. The study is essential to support the planning of Sabah's government in developing dark tourism in Sabah's Crocker Range Park, which was reported in News Straits Times in 2021. The objectives of this study are to know the potential growth segment of Sabah's Crocker Range Park as a new dark tourism destination by identifying the key features of dark tourism attractions available in Sabah's Crocker Range Park from the tour operators' point of view and determining the best destination marketing tools for dark tourism products in Sabah for the domestic tourist market. Further study of dark tourism is required to fully comprehend its potential impacts. This unique destination is ideal for tourists seeking emotional connections, off-the-beaten-path experiences, and valuable first-hand knowledge, which also can be an economic booster for the local community.
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