International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Entrepreneurship Education in Hospitality and Tourism: Insights from Graduated Hospitality Students as Entrepreneurs

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The entrepreneurial education field has expanded alongside the growth of entrepreneurial businesses. Cultivating the entrepreneurial potential of college students also becomes a critical link for social development and innovation. This study further evaluates entrepreneurship courses in hospitality and tourism education. The research participants in this study are graduates of Hospitality Education in Indonesia and currently have an active business in the hospitality industry to manage and operate. The findings found that theoretical and practical hospitality courses, business plan or entrepreneurship courses and interpersonal relationship courses are required to be learned in hospitality education. It also suggested ways to improve hospitality entrepreneurship education by encouraging students to have a strong base of soft skills, providing them with opportunities for creating events and real-life business projects, digital marketing courses and offering internship opportunities. Further, exposure to business life through internships and other extracurricular activities that facilitate the creation of innovative hospitality products was found important.
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