International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Relationship Between Nutritional Care Practices and Burden of Caregivers for Bedridden Elderly

Open access

Normala Riza, Lukman @ Zawawi Mohamad, Azlini Chik, Siti Hajar Abdul Rauf, Sabri Sulaiman

Pages 78-88 Received: 01 Mar, 2023 Revised: 03 Apr, 2023 Published Online: 02 May, 2023
This study aims to determine the influence of nutritional care practices for the bedridden elderly at home on the burden borne by caregivers. The nutritional care practices for the bedridden elderly at home was used to evaluate the level of care practices provided by caregivers. Whereas caregivers’ burden was used to determine the level of burden borne by caregivers when caring for the bedridden elderly at home. This quantitative study used the survey technique to address the research questions and achieve the objectives. Questionnaires were distributed to 127 caregivers of bedridden elderlies living at home. Data were processed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 software and analysed using descriptive and inferential analyses. Findings indicate that nutritional care practices provided by caregivers are at a moderate level, while caregivers bore a low to moderate level of burden. In addition, there is a significant relationship between nutritional care practices and caregivers’ level of burden. A series of interventions or practices relevant to the nutritional management of bedridden elderlies should be introduced for the well-being of the elderly and caregivers in the future.
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