International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Social Media Marketing of Academic Digital Library: An Insight-Driven Discovery of the Effectiveness on Service Quality

Open access
Social media opens wider rooms for enhancement of academic digital library to expand its services/collections/functionalities for greater benefits of its students’ community. By using social media, libraries can engage with their clienteles and enable them to participate in the production of library products/services. Moreover, the use of social media marketing of academic digital library marked the technological advancement in library science for its value added in provisioning library and information services. This paper presents an insight-driven discovery analytic to visualize and analyze using R software, on the effectiveness of digital library service quality with the use of social media marketing. A total of 252 private university students participated in the survey where this discovery found meaningful insights via R visualization technique to aid library management’s decision making by penetrating the basic issue unseen before. Overall, students satisfied with the university's digital library however insight of this study is also giving us lead that male students age below 30 years with Diploma level are having challenges of using digital library via social media. Hence, a more deep-dive study is reckoned to library management to identify those challenges and so forth to overcome the issue.
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