International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Understanding The Meta Analysis Debate on Exposure of Violence From Films and Video Games and its Effects on Youths

Open access

Khairi Khairuddin, Mohammad Hafifi Jamri, Mohd Sufiean Hassan, Noor Afzaliza Nazira Ibrahim, Nur Shazana Abdul Rani

Pages 2054-2062 Received: 11 Apr, 2023 Revised: 14 May, 2023 Published Online: 16 Jun, 2023
This research paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the effects of violent media, specifically video games and films, on youth aggression and violence. The paper reviews studies conducted between 2019 and 2023 to examine both sides of the debate regarding the impact of violent media on young people. The findings from studies supporting the notion that exposure to violent media makes youths more violent suggest that factors such as desensitization, personality traits, parental monitoring, age, and emotions like anger may contribute to increased aggression. Conversely, studies challenging the idea that violent media leads to aggression in youth highlight factors such as family dynamics, peer influence, and individual traits as more significant predictors of aggressive behavior. The systematic review methodology was employed to analyze the selected studies and assess their quality. The results indicate that while some studies demonstrate a significant link between violent media exposure and aggression in youth, others suggest that external factors may play a more substantial role. This research contributes to the ongoing discussion on the impact of media violence on young people and provides insights for policymakers, parents, and educators
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