International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of Strategic Foresight on Crisis Management Effectiveness at Greater Amman Municipality

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This study aimed to investigate the impact of strategic foresight on crisis management effectiveness at Greater Amman Municipality in Jordanian capital. The study relied on four dimensions to measure strategic foresight: environmental scanning, future vision, strategic choice and scenarios building, while it identified four dimensions to measure crisis management effectiveness: response speed, crisis management team effectiveness, communication and information flow and resource mobilization.
The study was conducted on a sample of 98 managers. The researchers used the quantitative approach to achieve the objectives of the study, and the multiple linear regression coefficient was used to test its hypotheses.
The study concluded that there are medium levels of applying the dimensions of strategic foresight, and the dimensions of the crisis management effectiveness at Greater Amman Municipality, and that there is a significant impact of strategic foresight on crisis management effectiveness, and that strategic foresight affects all dimensions of crisis management effectiveness approved in the study.
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