International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of Strategic Orientations on Supply Chain Performance: The Mediating Role of Organizational Ambidexterity at Jordanian Extractive and Mining Companies

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This study explored the impact of strategic orientations (SO) on supply chain performance (SCP) in Jordanian extractive and mining companies. mediated by organizational ambidexterity (OA). A stratified random sample of 200 A questionnaire hand-delivered to managers at the senior and middle management was taken. testing the hypotheses with PLS-SEM4. The study results indicated a significant impact of SO (market orientation and learning orientation, further digital orientation, and entrepreneurial orientation) on supply chain performance (operational dimensions, economic dimensions, environmental dimensions, and social dimensions). Also, the result indicated that OA mediated the relationship between the SO and SCP among the Jordanian extractive and mining companies' managers.
According to the current study, one of the most crucial suggestions to Jordanian extractive and mining companies should be aware of the importance of SO on improving SCP. Finally, to increase the impact of SO on SCP, they must make sure that organizational ambidexterity practices are in companies.
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