International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Unlocking the Secret of Language Learning Strategies: Improving Year 4 ESL Pupils’ Writing Skills

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English is widely acknowledged as Malaysia's second language and learners' proficiency in the language is strongly influenced by their learning preferences, needs, and styles, as well as their cultural backgrounds and experiences. This study aims to investigate the general usage as well as most preferred and least preferred language learning strategies (LLS) in improving language skills particularly writing skills among Year 4 ESL pupils in a Malaysian primary school. This qualitative research targeted the population of primary school ESL learners and used a survey design research approach. The sample in this study was Year 4 ESL pupils in an urban school in Selangor, Malaysia, selected using purposive sampling technique. A questionnaire from Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) was adapted as the data collection instrument. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse the data obtained and the findings showed the common, the most preferred as well as the least preferred LLS used by Year 4 ESL pupils in a Malaysian primary school to improve their writing skills. The importance of using a plethora of LLS in teaching writing skills to ESL learners was also highlighted in this study. The implications of the study suggest the awareness among teachers of the LLS used by their students in improving their writing skills to better tailor their teaching to suit their students' needs. Overall, this study is expected to be significant in providing insights into the effective LLS while guiding Malaysian ESL teachers in enhancing learners’ writing skills.
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