International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Navigating the Crossroads: An Examination of Family Dynamics Amidst Fathers’ Recovery from Substance Abuse

Open access
The influence of substance abuse on families, specifically when the father is involved, is a matter of significant concern. To delve deeper into this issue, the present study employs Family Systems Theory to explore the intricate dynamics between addiction, fatherhood and family relationships during substance abuse treatment. Authors conducted 6-months desk based study to examine studies related to family and fathers dealing with substance misuse to assess the role played by fathers in this context and examine how their therapeutic interventions impact emotional systems within their families. The results suggest that a considerable proportion of men undergoing therapy are fathers who had previously taken part in their families' daily lives. This emphasizes how family dynamics are interconnected and how families encounter many complex difficulties when a father undergoes substance abuse treatment. The research also stresses the significance of adopting comprehensive care strategies that cater to addiction and simultaneously strengthen familial relationships throughout the recovery phase, highlighting the importance of incorporating family-oriented aspects into substance abuse therapies.
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