International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Millennial Family Dynamics and Sustainable Cities: Unveiling the Transformative Contributions towards SDG 11

Open access
The significance of transforming cities and human settlements to be inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable, as emphasized by Sustainable Development Goal 11, cannot be overstated. Given the family's recognized status as the fundamental unit of modern societies and its central focus in welfare policies worldwide, it is imperative to examine the role of families in achieving the SDGs. Understanding how families contribute to social progress and development goals within the framework of the SDGs is crucial for devising effective pathways that align with existing public policy instruments. To address the objectives of SDG 11, this study aimed to investigate the contributions of families to local social development. Qualitative research was conducted for the doctoral thesis of one of the authors, involving 31 millennial women respondents residing in Malaysia. Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, a web-based written interview was conducted using Google Forms (Docs) from May to July 2021. The study shed light on the vital roles played by families, as revealed through the respondents' feedback. The findings demonstrated their significant contributions to the development of local society, encompassing social participation, monetary philanthropy, knowledge sharing, environmental support, and the practice of ethical values and morality. In line with the emphasis of SDG 11, it is crucial for the local government to engage all stakeholders, including family members, in the transformation of cities and human settlements to achieve inclusivity, safety, resilience, and sustainability.
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