International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Ramification of Covid-19 Perceived Risk on Vacation Intention in Malaysia

Open access
COVID-19’s worldwide ramifications are unknown, as the world is currently engulfed within one of the most serious last century’s health and humanitarian disasters. Health and safety problems, political changes, economic instability, natural disasters and disease outbreaks threaten tourism. The danger associated with taking a vacation is increased by the global pandemic, not just due to the unknown state of the vacationer in the destination but also because of the possible negative repercussions. Thus, this research fills the gap by analysing the influence of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) predictors (namely attitude, perceived behavioural control and subjective norm) and perceived risk towards vacation intention and willingness to pay amid local vacationers in Malaysia during the pandemic of COVID-19. The acquired data from 181 completed responses were analysed using SmartPLS software. According to the findings of this study, TPB predictors (attitude, perceived behavioural control, and subjective norm) have a positive influence on vacation intention, perceived risk has a positive influence on TPB predictors (attitude and perceived behavioural control), and vacation intention has a positive influence on willingness to pay. The practical contribution of the research could contribute to the considered actions to foster the necessary decision-making to restore the domestic tourism market.
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