International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Relationship Between Job Autonomy and Job Satisfaction in Telecommunication Industry: A Case Study of Telekom Malaysia

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Job autonomy reflects a level of freedom and independence of individuals to carry out work task. Some studies have shown that job autonomy can reduce individual work-leisure conflict (WLC). However, some individuals believe that job satisfaction is stronger in situations of greater job autonomy. This study aims to investigate the effect of job autonomy and job satisfaction of employees in Telekom Malaysia (TM), Terengganu. It is unreasonable to apply a uniform standard daily routine to the unpredictable dispatch environment of these officials without knowing the effect of job autonomy towards job satisfaction. This research focused on one of the factors of work-life balance which is job autonomy and its impact on job satisfaction. Quantitative data was collected using questionnaires that has been distributed to 28 respondents whose were employees in the Consumer Sales Unit at TM, Terengganu. Based on data that had been analyzed, the findings indicated that job autonomy had no significant relationship (p > .05, r = -0.252) with Job Satisfaction. Majority of the employees in Consumer Sales Unit at TM, Terengganu had freedom to make their own decisions and plan their own strategies to achieve the target given by the manager. In other words, they are given enough empowerment to handle and solve the problems while achieving the goals regarding their responsibilities and jobs without being control and supervised by the manager. However, this study was limited because all factors affecting job satisfaction, such as differences in work, dispatch, and job roles by region, could not be analyzed. Hence, future studies could improve upon these results by investigating a standard daily routine that can be commonly applied to all TM officials nationwide. Future researchers may also use different analytical methods to analyze the data such as SEM-PLS to find the differences if there is any.
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