International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Relationship Between Work Stress and Job Satisfaction in Telecommunication Industry: A Case Study of Telekom Malaysia

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Work-life balance (WLB) is a serious issue that have impact on job satisfaction of employees. Employees will face difficulty when an unhealthy balance exists which forces them to place work demands above and beyond the demands and needs of family. This research focused on one of the factors of work-life balance which is work stress and its impact on job satisfaction. The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between work stress and job satisfaction in Consumer Sales Unit of at Telekom Malaysia, Terengganu. Quantitative data was collected using questionnaires that has been distributed to 28 respondents whose were employees in the Consumer Sales Unit at Telekom Malaysia, Terengganu. Based on data that had been analyzed, work stress had a negative and strong significant relationship (p < .05, r = -0.656) with job satisfaction at Telekom Malaysia, Terengganu. Hence, it can be concluded that work stress is directly contributed to employee’s job satisfaction at Consumer Unit, Telekom Malaysia, Terengganu. It is recommended that its current work-life balance program be improved. Training on stress management and mental health awareness should be planned and conducted. It is also recommended that one employee should be given overtime work not more than two hours per day. This could be done when work schedules be analyzed frequently. By doing this, work could be done efficiently, and more flexibility is encouraged. Lastly, this study can be continued by other future researchers by using different analytical methods such as SEM-PLS.
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