International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Relationship Between Knowledge and The Level of Stress among Caregivers with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Children

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This study analyzes the relationship between the knowledge of caregivers of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) children and the stress they experienced in caring for and educating these ASD children. In general, ASD is a brain disorder that causes neurological developmental disorders in a person in the long term. Some caregivers of these ASD children experience stress that can affect the caregiver’s mental health. Thus, a quantitative study was conducted on 130 caregivers of ASD children. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and Pearson Correlation. The study's results found a non-significant relationship between knowledge and stress levels among caregivers of ASD children. Suggestions for improvement were also given to caregivers of ASD children, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), communication media, and social workers to increase caregivers' awareness of the importance of having knowledge about ASD and mental health care to alleviate stress. It is hoped that through this study, the community understands, realizes, and help change any negative perception of ASD children and their families.
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