This study was conducted to identify entrepreneurial tendencies and career aspirations towards entrepreneurship among youth under the age of 40. A total of 80 B40 teenagers who live in Council Homes (PPR) in the Klang Valley area have taken part of this study. This study uses a survey approach where questions based on research were administered. Findings show moderately high entrepreneurial tendencies and career aspirations. Findings also found factors such as basic knowledge of entrepreneurship, self-will, motivation and self-reliance have a significant positive relationship with entrepreneurial tendency and career aspirations towards entrepreneurship among youth B40. Conscientiousness and a low self-honesty personality also indicate a significant positive relationship with entrepreneurial tendencies and career aspirations. Although these teenagers face various challenges and constraints, they still show interest and a good personality in entrepreneurial engagement. Therefore, stakeholders should add more activities related to entrepreneurship education, especially for underprivileged groups to guarantee a quality career and lifestyle in the future.
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