International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factors Affecting The Tendency of Drug Addiction among Malay Ethnic Compared to Chinese Ethnic

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The issue of drug addiction is no longer seen as an unfamiliar matter in the social problems of a country, especially in developing countries. Most countries take this issue seriously and declare it their number one enemy. In Malaysia, the problem of drug addiction is a severe matter that has become the country's main agenda that needs attention. Government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), families, and related individuals have undertaken various debates and discussions to control and contain the elements contributing to drug addiction in this country. Therefore, the gap between the ethnicities involved in the drug issue should be highlighted. In fact, there are more drug addicts among the Malay Muslim ethnic group compared to the Chinese ethnic group. Thus, this conceptual study aims to identify the causes of drug addiction, examine the influence of drug involvement and examine the more dominant factors based on the construct: 1) Religion, 2) Socio-Cultural, 3) Socio-Economic, and 4) Environment, on drug addicts for ethnic Malays and ethnic Chinese in Malaysia. This conceptual study examines subjects, concepts and objectives for future studies guided by literature highlights from various research disciplines. The results of the concept drawn up will give an overview of the factors that influence the tendency of drug addiction among the Malay ethnic group compared to the Chinese ethnic group in Malaysia based on the four constructs that have been determined.
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