International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Learning Arabic Communication Through Virtual International Student Exchange Program: Sustainability Innovation in Language

Open access

Mohamad Lukman Al Hakim bin Md. Noor, Rahimah binti Abd Rahman, Abdul Hadi bin Abdul Rahim, Nurul Izzatie binti Aziz, Mohd Syauqi bin Arshad, Mohd Feham bin Md. Ghalib, Muhamad Zamri bin Abdul Gani

Pages 468-479 Received: 03 Apr, 2023 Revised: 05 May, 2023 Published Online: 08 Jun, 2023
Speaking skill is one of the basic skills that need to be mastered among student who majoring in Arabic language other than of reading, writing and listening, that is the process of learning language that student must go through in order to reach the minimum level of proficiency in the Arabic language. The Virtual International Student Exchange Program between the UniSHAMS and Naradhiwas Princess University acts as a model for sustainability innovation in language as the students can interact with native speakers in communication tasks. This interdisciplinary initiative supports the latest methodological principles observed in the Common European Framework for Languages (Council of European, 2001), such as autonomous and lifelong learning, self-assessment and peer-assessment as well as the incorporation of new technologies to the learning process. Additionally, the ‘virtual’ mobility is provided at no extra cost. The purpose of this study is to investigate the benefit and to identify the perception of Arabic language at UniSHAMS on the implementation of Virtual International Student exchange; inbound and outbound. This research work is a descriptive study that uses mixed mode research; quantitative and qualitative approach through a distribution of a questionnaire and an open-ended question. The study initiated with a pilot study to examine the questionnaire validity and reliability. The actual study has taken place where the sample consists of 30 students from UniSHAMS for inbound program and 29 students from Naradhiwas University for outbound program to answer the open-ended question. All students who participated in this program interacted orally with the native speakers through Google Meet as the main platform and used pedagogical aids such as technology Augmented Reality, multimedia power point, Prezi, Kahoot, and Padlet. The results of the study found that students have diverse and mixed perceptions in terms of acceptance, attitude and motivation towards the program. Overall, it can be concluded that most students showed positive perceptions and very good acceptance of the program. Only a small number of students had negative perceptions and stated that the program was quite burdensome and had disrupted their learning process.
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