International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


An Investigation of Digital Entrepreneurship Intention Activation among University Undergraduates

Open access

Shathees Baskaran, Nomahaza Mahadi, Logaiswari Indiran, Teh Zahara Yaacob, Yogeeswari Subramaniam

Pages 359-376 Received: 01 Apr, 2023 Revised: 02 May, 2023 Published Online: 04 Jun, 2023
Most university students are digital natives, so they ought to make fantastic web entrepreneurs. They are more risk-averse than entrepreneurs who are just starting in their careers and have new ideas and endless enthusiasm. Therefore, they are the upcoming digital entrepreneurs. The majority of the literature on entrepreneurship concentrates on tiny businesses, many of which fail for want of a clientele. The exact reverse is true in the digital economy. Each startup has millions of consumers despite there being considerably fewer of them. In certain ways, the importance of the digital entrepreneurship ecosystem in the development of entrepreneurship, particularly in the context of graduate entrepreneurs, has not been well studied by entrepreneurship research. As a result, we have a huge knowledge gap when it comes to graduate entrepreneurs and the digital entrepreneurship ecosystem. Accordingly, a quantitative research design was employed at the individual level. The final-year students from higher learning institutions were chosen to address their perspective to observe digital entrepreneurship as a value in becoming digital entrepreneurs. SPSS was used to analyze the data and it was found that digital information quality, digital user citizenship, digital marketplace, and digital infrastructure governance positively influence digital entrepreneurship intention. The study made a theoretical contribution to digital entrepreneurship ecosystem literature while offering practical contributions to creating more digital entrepreneurs. To the best of the investigators’ knowledge, this cross-sectional study is the first of its kind in Malaysia that investigates digital entrepreneurship intention based on the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem. The findings have given the insights to develop more robust digital entrepreneurship opportunities for university graduates in driving digital entrepreneurial capacity development in Malaysia.
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