International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Honey Halal Product for Competition Strategy in Indonesia: The New Institutional Economics

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Honey products are one type of product that provides many economic and health benefits, so they are in great demand by all world citizens. There is a global gap between production and consumption, so each country competes to increase its production for domestic needs and to meet world demand for honey products. Muslims in Indonesia believe that honey is a Halal product, but the level of consumption is still low. Individuals or families manage many honey producers, so the volume produced is minimal for self-consumption and sale directly to consumers. To meet the global demand for honey, the interests of medium-large companies are vital but still empower honey producers or individual honey farmers. Following a new institutional economics approach, this study aims to maintain its commitment to quality, halal obligations, and corporate analysis strategy. This study uses descriptive qualitative research using literature studies with the locus of honey production and its potential in Indonesia on the new institutional economics approach, as well as secondary data. The results of the study found that the company is very committed to quality assurance and product halalness by conducting halal tests through food, drug, and cosmetic product review agencies, the Indonesian Ulema Council and implementing corporate strategy at the fourth level as new institutional economics, namely an economic order with resource efficiency, formation of marginal prices and structures, and business continuity with sustainable halal commitments.
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