International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Relationship between Mental Health, Coping Strategies and Attitudes towards Seeking Counselling Services among University Students

Open access
Despite successfully adapting to life during the COVID-19 pandemic, many individuals have experienced psychological effects. The transition to the endemic phase, which involves integrating new norms into their old lifestyle, has further impacted individuals' psychological well-being. This is particularly concerning for students who have had to cope with significant changes in various aspects of their lives. To address this issue, a correlational study was conducted to explore the relationship between mental health, coping strategies, and attitudes towards seeking counselling services among university students. A total of 201 final-year undergraduate students from a university in the Klang Valley were randomly selected to participate in the study. The participants completed an online questionnaire consisting of three instruments: the General Mental Health Question 12, the Brief COPE, and the Attitudes towards Seeking Professional Psychological Help - Short Form. The results indicated that the respondents scored low on all three variables examined. However, the study revealed significant relationships between mental health, coping strategies, and attitudes towards seeking counselling services among the students. This suggests that maintaining good mental health is associated with effective coping strategies and positive attitudes towards seeking counselling services. These findings provide valuable insights for counsellors and counselling trainees in developing recovery plans and implementing more efficient counselling approaches to promote the well-being of students.
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