International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effect of Marketing Effectiveness, and Consumer Behaviour on Consumer Purchase Preference for Unilever Products in Jordan

Open access
This study explores the relationship between consumer behaviour and marketing effectiveness and preferences for Unilever products in Jordan. The study employed an online survey to collect data from a sample of 384 Jordanian customers of Unilever products. The study uses PLS-SEM to analyse the relationships between the variables and test the proposed hypotheses. To evaluate the success of marketing campaigns, three metrics—customer acquisition cost, return on investment, and customer lifetime value—are employed. Consumer behaviour is evaluated using social, personal factors, and psychological, the study helps local producers improve their marketing strategies to compete with global companies by providing perspectives into the factors influencing Jordanian customers' preferences for Unilever Products. The study's findings contribute to our understanding of Jordanian consumers' preferences for Unilever products, consumer behaviour, and marketing efficiency. The study's conclusions have implications for Jordanian marketing executives and politicians on a practical level, particularly in terms of developing strategies to boost domestic producers' competitiveness and promote the growth of the regional economy. These results emphasize the value of customer behavior analysis and effective marketing tactics for businesses in the Jordanian market.
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