International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Importance of the Value of Civilisational Dialogue According to Said Nursi's Thinking towards Malaysia

Open access

Mohamad Zaidin Mohamad, Sofyuddin Yusof, Ahmad Fauzi Hasan, Mohd Faiz Hakim Mat Idris, Berhanundin Abdullah, Izwan Aimil Ismail

Pages 704-713 Received: 10 May, 2023 Revised: 13 Jun, 2023 Published Online: 15 Jul, 2023
This article explores the importance of the value of civilizational dialogue according to Said Nursi's thinking towards Malaysia. Said Nursi, a prominent Islamic scholar and thinker, emphasized the principles of unity, compassion, and dialogue between civilizations. The article discusses Nursi's pillars of civilizational dialogue, including understanding, tolerance, respect, and patience. It also highlights the problems in implementing civilizational dialogue, such as cultural differences, power imbalances, historical grievances, and political interests. Additionally, the article discusses Nursi's approach for promoting mutual respect, encouraging a two-way conversation, fostering a sense of community, and encouraging empathy. The significance of Nursi's ideas for Malaysia is explored, considering the country's diverse cultural and religious landscape. The article concludes by addressing the main factors of the issue of racial unity in Malaysia and highlighting the prevalence of prejudiced attitudes among the community.
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