International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The impact of the transformational leadership in the administrative creativity: An Applicative Study on the industrial companies (Mining and Extraction) in Jordan

Open access
This study aimed to identify the impact of transformational leadership in administrative creativity in industrial companies (Mining and Extraction). to achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was designed to collect data and distribute it to Staff Through the poll Views a simple random sample of (176) of Staff in managerial levels: Supreme, middle, in industrial companies (Mining and Extraction) The data were analyzed using the statistical package of Social Sciences (SPSS). analysis Main results produced by this study were as follows: presence of a statistically significant impact (0.05) of the transformational leadership pattern in administrative creativity in Industrial companies (Mining and Extraction).
In light of the results, the study recommended a number of recommendations, namely: strengthening rely on transformational leadership style to increase the effectiveness of administrative.