International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Entrepreneurial Capability of Young Agropreneurs

Open access
The entrepreneurial capability of young agropreneurs to manage their enterprises is crucial and needs to be emphasized. Therefore, the objective of the study is to measure the level of entrepreneurial capability of the young agropreneurs registered with the Muda Agricultural Development Authority (MADA). In addition, this study also seeks to identify differences in the level of entrepreneurial capability of young agropreneur by gender and education level. The level of entrepreneurial capability of the young agropreneur is measured based on three domains, namely personal leadership, management skills and proactive ability. This study uses quantitative approach through the survey method. The questionnaire was used as the data collection instrument. The study sample entails the young agropreneurs and purposive sampling technique was applied in this study. A sample of 177 young agropreneurs were involved in this study. Descriptive analysis, t-test and Anova are used to explain the objectives and results of the study. The results show that the level of entrepreneurial capability amongst the young agropreneurs is high in all three domains investigated. This finding provides an excellent signal that MADA young agropreneurs have good entrepreneurial capability. The findings also show that there are differences in the level of entrepreneurship in terms of education level. Younger educated agoprenuers are found to have better entrepreneurial ability. As a result, efforts to improve performance and competitiveness among young agropreneurs are easier to implement through education enhancement. Therefore, the goal of MADA to produce successful young agropreneurs in the future is easier to achieve.
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