International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Terrorism Crisis/Threat Management Structure By National Security Council (Nsc): Level of Involvement, Agency Coordination, State Alignment and Domestic Political Influence

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Terrorism crises/threats has struck many foreign countries, as well as Malaysia. Fortunately, these incidents have been few domestically, yet security officers and others have lost their lives and the safety of people has been placed in jeopardy. Dealing with terrorism crisis/threat falls within the purview of the National Security Council (NSC) and other agencies on a collaborative basis. The NSC employs various strategies to address this matter, but its roles and functions can be unclear. To provide evidence that the NSC is viable as a primary agency for the handling of national security issues, this article analyses the range of engagement the NSC employs in coordinating action taken regarding terrorism crises/threats in conjunction with coordination alongside other agencies, including productivity in relation to State NSC alignments. This article additionally explores the impingement of terrorism crisis/threat on the NSC security management structure and the effects of domestic politics on it. Qualitative and analytical methods are employed by this article when referencing primary and secondary sources that include official reports, academic journals, online news, and senior government official interviews. Analysis results revealed a “reactive” NSC involvement during the early 1970s, that eventually progressed toward a “proactive” approach from the 1980s and onward; furthermore, coordination has been active due to collaboration with various agencies and through the JKKN, and effective alignment with State NSC has occurred. ESSCOM has been established due to terrorism crisis/threat and prompted the NSC to enact NSC Directive No. 18 and 22. Domestic political interference has however affected the establishment of new laws and caused extended negotiations. Notwithstanding, this has strengthened international relations and has led to the discovery of evidence during incidents.
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