International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Exploratory Factor Analysis for Pro-Environmental Behaviour Among Employees of Development Financial Institutions in Malaysia

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This study aims to explore and confirm the pro-environmental behaviour construct as a multi-dimensional construct as suggested by previous key scholars since most of the studies in the past measure the said construct as a dimension of its own. The respondents are employees in six development financial institutions in Malaysia. The researchers adapted 16 items from the previous study and the items went through a combined translation technique which translate the instrument from English into Malay and English language again to suit the target population. The translated item statements underwent expert reviews for their verification and validation in terms of content validity and face validity. 106 employees were selected randomly for data collection. The data were explored and validated through the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) procedure. The results of the EFA procedure revealed the 13 items fall into five underlying components. The items under these five components explained 74.41% of the total variance. The internal reliability of the pro-environmental construct was 0.753. This study adds to the current body of knowledge by providing a reliable source of information for researchers and professional practitioners interested in future research in the area of environmental behaviour within the workplace context.
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