International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


An Analysis on The Influence of Attitude and Usage Ease towards Saving Interest at Shariah Bank in Riau Province

Open access
In recent years, Indonesian Islamic banks have continued to improve their performance and produce increasing profits. According to data from the Financial Services Authority for 2021, the Islamic banking industry in Indonesia has 233 institutions at the end of December. Though it is excellent, it still needs to be improved since the number of Indonesians who choose non-sharia banks lags far behind. The market potential in Riau and the Riau Archipelago is fairly substantial given that the majority of the population is Muslim. Total assets increased by 52.42%, while total deposits increased by 74.64%. The figure is the second highest in northern Sumatra, after Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. The hypothesis on the direct path effect coefficient between Attitude and Ease of Use variables is being tested. The following structural model (inner model) shows the results of the direct effect: In testing the First Hypothesis (H1) with a significant value of 0.000 <0.05 or below 5%, it is concluded that the positive path coefficient value indicates that attitude has a significant positive effect on Saving Interest. The first hypothesis is accepted based on the test results. The significant value achieved in testing the Second Hypothesis (H2) is 0.000 < 0.05 or less than 5%, indicating that the positive path coefficient value implies that Ease of Use has a significant positive effect on Saving Interest. The second hypothesis is accepted based on the test results.
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