International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Celebrity Endorsement and Purchase Intention: Examining the Mediation of Attitude towards Advertisement in Z Generation of Pakistan

Open access
Generating purchase intention is the most integral objective of advertising for businesses. There are many factors that contribute to generate purchase intention and one of those is celebrity endorsement strategy. Businesses can always attract customers through celebrity endorsement. It warrants examining the relationship of celebrity endorsement and purchase intention in the context of z generation of Pakistan and turns to be the basic objective of the study. The study further gauges the mediation of attitude towards advertisement in such a relationship. It is a quantitative study based on deductive approach. It takes to put purchase intention as a primary research question in the field of marketing and opts to use questionnaire to collect data on the basis of convenience sampling which will be analyzed through SPSS and PLS. The data will be collected from 384 respondents. The study chooses source credibility theory, match up hypothesis, and source attractiveness theory as its underpinning theories.
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