International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Challenges in Online Teaching and Learning During Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning (ERTL) among the English Language Educators

Open access
Numerous educational institutions across the world have been forced by the Covid-19 epidemic to fully utilise a number of developing online communication platform technologies, which has encouraged both students and teachers to connect via a range of online communication platforms. In actuality, maintaining a continuous educational process presents a number of difficulties. The purpose of this study is to explore the challenges faced by English educators in online teaching and learning during ERTL. A qualitative study was carried out through a semi-structured interview with 10 English UKM Educators who are currently teaching at varying academic levels. Findings derived from the thematic analysis represent that poor internet connection, lack of self-preparation to work remotely; limitations to effective online teaching and learning during ERTL. The limitations of this study are the small range of population, the scope of this study is limited to conducting online English classes during ERTL in general, and the limited literature review on challenges in online teaching and learning English during ERTL.

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