International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Moderating Effect of Self-Efficacy on Cognitive, Emotional and Social Intelligence towards Work Engagement in Service Sector

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The world is witnessing a shift in industrialized nations' economies towards the service sector. Particularly in Malaysia, service sector has gone through profound and rapid changes in the last few years. Due to this reason, new management practices need to be studied and employed for better employee engagement. This study aims to examine the moderating effect of self-efficacy on the relationship between cognitive, emotional and social intelligence towards employee’s work engagement in the service sector in Malaysia. The Partial Least Square method is employed to study the link. The findings indicate that self-efficacy moderates the relationship between emotional intelligence towards work engagement. Nevertheless, contrary to the claims of scholars, the study finds no evidence of any moderation effect of self-efficacy on the relationships between cognitive and social intelligence towards work engagement. Limitation and suggestion for the future research are also discussed.
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