International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Function of the Family and the Purposes of Sharia Law

Open access

Ahmed Ramadan Mohmed Ahmed Harec, Saad Gomaa Gomaa Zaghloul, Ragab Abou Maliha Mohamed Soliman

Pages 533-540 Received: 01 Jun, 2023 Revised: 04 Jul, 2023 Published Online: 06 Aug, 2023
This research paper discusses the function of the family as defined by Islamic law, and the relationship of the family function to the purposes of Islamic law, and the functions of the family are represented in several tasks, including; the reproductive function of the family and qualitative reproduction; in order to build the universe and achieve succession on earth as mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, then comes the moral function of the family through legal marriage with full pillars and conditions, and then the educational and social function of the family, which is through raising children and maintaining them in order to build an independent safe for them.
These functions are related to the purposes of the general Islamic law, including the preservation of offspring, which is through legal marriage, which achieves the full function of the family of preserving offspring and the survival of the human species, the architecture of the universe and the stability of life in society through the application of the purposes of Islamic law in the function of the full family.
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