International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of Technology in ESL/EFL Classrooms with Blended Learning Approach and Constructivism: An Overview (2019-2023)

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The blended learning approach in the ESL context enhances the learning scope of language learning of the students. It is convenient for the teachers through the flexible system of learning over the traditional approach. The purpose of the study is to explore the impacts of technology using blended learning and constructivism among ESL learners and to investigate the methods, strategies, benefits, and drawbacks of technological implementations in different years of building communication skills for future professions by reviewing the articles from 2019-2023. Inductive content analysis is used to analyze the literature review of different articles to examine the methods, instruments, and levels of study. The study's findings suggest using the theory of constructivism to improve interactivity skills, practical application, and construct knowledge with dynamic changes of relativism and subjectivism. The study has the contribution of implementing the theories and provides the rich data of literature with a brief overview of articles which can be helpful for educators, decision-makers, curriculum designers, and educational stakeholders to support students in the ESL context with technological upgrades in teaching and learning and can be utilized in future research. This paper also highlights the importance of trained educators for teaching skills and internet connectivity in implementing effective use of blended learning in ESL classrooms. The researcher recommends further research to explore the inventions and benefits in the future to get an in-depth view of technological upgrades suitable for teaching and learning.
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